PhD openings
Within my ERC consolidator project WINDFLOW there are the following PhD openings:
- Large-scale weather effects in wind farm simulations
- Simulations of offshore wind farm turbulence
- Assessing the interplay between wind farms and clouds
- Large-scale impact of wind farms on atmospheric flow
For more information on opportunities and applications, please contact me for further details.
Postdoc openings
Within my ERC consolidator project WINDFLOW, there are the following postdoc openings:
Master and bachelor assignments
Please contact me if you are looking for a B.Sc. M.Sc. project! Some example projects are given below. Other projects, based on personal preferences, can be discussed in person, some examples are given below.
- The impact of atmospheric conditions on wind farm wakes
- Effects of Stratocumulus Clouds on the Earth’s Boundary Layer
- Wind farms in Stratocumulus-Topped Boundary Layers
- Convection in Moist Atmospheres
- Impact of dynamic wind conditions on wind farms
- Simplified atmospheric convection
- Can rotor tilt improve wind farm power production?